The Bare Necessity: Why Brand Awareness is as Important as Your Morning Coffee

Women at work discussing brand awareness

I want businesses to stop thinking that brand awareness is a one and done thing. After working in countless retail environments and with freelance clients, from large to small in size, I’ve learned that brand awareness is a continuous activity within your business. I have to give a little tough love on this because I see it happen often; you launch a product/service and think that everyone knows who are, when in reality they have absolutely no idea who you are.

It takes about 9-12 times for someone to notice your brand and finally decide to check it out and maybe purchase something from you. From a marketing perspective, you should be constantly promoting your brand in front of an audience, especially an audience that doesn’t know who you are yet. 

Why should your business create brand awareness campaigns regularly? 

1. You put your brand in the spotlight

Lets say you've created the most revolutionary product or service known to humanity. It's like the lovechild of Elon Musk and Marie Curie—pure genius. But here's the catch: if no one knows about it, is it really making a difference? That's where brand awareness comes in. It's like shining a spotlight on your incredible creation, making sure the world knows that you exist and that you're here to make their lives better, one cup of awesomeness at a time.

2. Your brand tugs at the emotions of your audience

Think of brand awareness as your secret weapon, your magical potion, or your superhero cape. It's what sets you apart from your competitors in a crowded marketplace. When people see your logo or hear your name, their minds should immediately go, "Ah, I've heard of them! They're the ones who can turn water into gold." Okay, maybe not literally, but you get the idea. Brand awareness is about leaving an indelible mark on people's minds and hearts. And once you’ve connected with them on an emotional level, you’ll always be on their minds.

3. Your brand builds trust & credibilty 

Brand awareness isn't just about being recognized; it's about building trust and credibility. When your brand is familiar to people, they feel more comfortable doing business with you. It's like that feeling you get when you walk into your favorite coffee shop, and the barista already knows your name and your usual order. (I’m literally typing this from my favorite coffee shop now, so trust me brand awareness is everything!) You trust them to deliver that perfect cup of Joe every time, and that's the kind of relationship you want to build with your audience.

Well Jasmine, what are some ways I can build up my brand awareness?

  • Create intentional social media campaigns that are aligned with your brand.

  • Run targeted ads online and on social media (trust me, the right people will see your product/service).

  • Participate in local events, sponsorships, or charity initiatives that align with your brand values. This demonstrates your commitment to the community and creates opportunities for brand visibility, positive PR, and building relationships with potential customers.

  • Encourage your customers to create and share content related to your brand. This can include reviews, testimonials, social media posts, or user-generated videos. UGC not only generates brand awareness but also builds social proof and authenticity.

Now, let's address the skeptics who say, "But isn't brand awareness just a vanity metric?" Well, hold your coffee cup, my friend. Brand awareness is not just about getting your name out there; it's about generating tangible results. When people are aware of your brand, they're more likely to choose you over your competitors. It's like having a magnet that attracts customers straight to your doorstep, where they can bask in the glory of your amazing offerings.

So, friends I hope you're now convinced that brand awareness is the caffeinated fuel your business needs to thrive. Just like that morning cup of coffee that jumpstarts your day, brand awareness jumpstarts your business's journey towards success. Embrace it, nurture it, and watch as your brand blooms into an unstoppable force that leaves your competitors green with envy. Remember, brand awareness isn't just a luxury; it's a necessity for your brand's survival. So go forth, conquer the world, and let your brand shine like the sun at dawn.

Jasmine Berry