7 Tips on How to Establish Your Content Creation Process

Content creation is a reflection of your brand and your story. Sometimes it can get a little overwhelming to translate those ideas into content for social media. There’s so much content out there, it’s understandable that you may be stuck. Don’t get discouraged, it doesn’t mean that your ideas aren’t good enough. It just means that you need to develop a process to properly execute your ideas so that your target audience can receive them on social media. Check out these 7 tips to become a content-creating machine!

Remember, you got this!

Remember, you got this!

  1. Remember that social media is your canvas to share your story with your audience. Take the time to think about the theme and/or message that you want to share. 

  2. What’s the purpose of your content? Now that you’ve figured out your theme, take it a step further and think about your mission. Regardless if you’re repurposing content or sharing something new, it must relate to the purpose of your brand story.

  3. Does your content have value? What do you want your audience to take away from it? It’s simple to post something, but if you want a reaction from your audience, the information has to be relatable and valuable.

  4. Have actionable steps. If you’re a business owner, what do you want your audience to do with the content once it’s received. What is the call to action? Pretty content doesn’t always translate to dollar signs. Make sure your post gives directions for the next steps: Ie, booking a consultation, buying a product, etc.

  5. Figure out a schedule that works for you! Creating content takes time, but it’s worth it. Decide if you want to create a monthly or biweekly calendar. From there, break down your theme of the month into four weeks, and each week you’ll have a subtopic that contributes to the monthly theme of the content. 

  6. Give yourself the flexibility to figure out your style. Maybe you like to write captions first or pick out pictures, whatever makes the process enjoyable for you.

  7. Schedule your content! After all that hard work, schedule it and go about your day. If you’re unsure about what site you use for scheduling, here’s a couple: Later, Planoly, Sprout, Loomly, and Hootsuite to name a few.

Thank you for reading!