"Crazy in Love with Myself"

“I look and stare so deep in your eyes

I touch on you more and more every time”…

I’m sure you all know who’s song that is and if you don’t know, then let me tell you; it’s Beyonce’s “Crazy in Love”. This is easily one of my top Bey songs, it’s a classic in my book. But I’m not here to give you a rundown on her catalog (because I can), I’m here to share with you about my journey to self love.

As we navigate the “new normal” of living among Covid-19, I’m discovering that I’m loving every minute of this down time. I’m having conversations with myself and others that needed to happen, I’m being intentional about taking care of my body inside and out, and I’m establishing the boundaries of not having my peace disturbed by anything or anyone.

Although these past 5 months have been hellish in their own sense, I’m still here living in my purpose. I’m so grateful for having the time to work through my own shit, and that my friends is the beauty of discovering self love. Yes it can be defined in terms of taking care of yourself physically, but it’s also working on healing from past traumas and experiences that were meant take you off course. For instance, my last post about Heartbreak During a Pandemic, had me in a dark space, it was all too much for me and my emotions were all over the place. Normally I don’t allow myself to feel anything and brush things off, but that’s not healthy ya’ll. We, including me, have to do better with processing our emotions, especially if we want to be in that beautiful space of self love. You have to go through some ugly situations sometimes but don’t stay in them for too long.

What I’ve learned so far about self love is that:

  • Boundaries MATTER- establish them early on if you’re not feeling the energy of someone else. That goes for personal and professional relationships, you have to let me people know how to treat you right up front.

  • Be intentional about everything- whatever energy you bring to the universe is what you’ll get back. I remember having a Zoom chat with my life coach, and I showed up to it looking not like myself. She called me out on it and said if this is industry you want to work in, you need to show up looking like it…After hearing that, I made sure to show up correctly!

  • Don’t stay stuck in the “sting” of your story for too long- I know it’s easier said than done, but once you get to a place of finding peace about your situation, revel in it, enjoy that moment and never let it go. View that sting as a lesson learned and move forward.

The self love journey is a continuous one, just remember to never stop choosing you no matter what.


Photographed by: Calayo Art